lunes, 16 de febrero de 2015

Spirit Desire

Tigers Jaw - Spirit Desire

Waiting for the sun but i know that it'll come
i feel reborn when you touch my arm
whole new view, feel better when i talk to you
i get scared with what i wear
and even when you yell i still love your belly 
it's true
riding it through the night
straight through

it still feels new when i talk to you
i feel reborn when the sun gets warm
it's hard but i feel better when i'm not inside
i get scared you'll leave me soon
even though we call each other every afternoon
it's true
it took a little time but i know you

i'm not bored at all
you can call me when you want to call

i used to want to show you every single line
now it's hard for me to show you anything i write
i know that i get nervous when we're not alone
but i wait for you for hours when we're coming home
when we started talking i got so excited
and i swear i tried to go out every single night
i know that you will always be the one who's my

spirit desire
spend my time
tell me that you're always going to be my life

i'm not bored at all
you can call me when you want to call

I really enjoy this song, for some reason I like this EP versión more, I don't know why but makes me feel more or something.

Kelly x

jueves, 12 de febrero de 2015

How to drink more water!

Drinking water is by far the most important thing for your health, I used to struggle on drinking enough water but now I can say I drink what I need, and by the time passes is getting more easy to drink it, so my 5 tips to help you drink more water are:
  1. Use a cute glass or/and bottle. This may sound ridiculous but is true, I started drinking more water because I have cute cups.
  2. Add a few drops of lemon. It will give it flavor, and also lemon is incredible for you.
  3. Mark the bottle. This will make easy to know how much to drink during the day.
  4. Set reminders and alarms. Maybe this one is quite crazy but IT WORKS.
  5. Eat more water-based foods. You will stay hydrated thanks to yummy food.
Bonus: 6. Use an app to keep track on how much you've been drinking.

Don't force yourself on drinking water, because not only you will hate it more, but you will end up not drinking it at all, so be aware that you need it and your body will thank you for it!

Kelly x

lunes, 9 de febrero de 2015

Deja Entendu

Brand New - Deja Entendu

1. Tautou (1:42 mins)
2. Sic Transit Gloria...Glory Fades (3:06 mins)
3. I Will Play My Game Beneath the Spin Light (3:57 mins)
4. Okay I Believe You, but My Tommy Gun Don’t (5:35 mins)
5. The Quiet Things That No One Ever Knows (4:02 mins)
6. The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot (4:39 mins)
7. Jaws Theme Swimming (4:34 mins)
8. Me vs. Maradona vs. Elvis (5:19 mins)
9. Guernica (3:23 mins)
10. Good to Know That If I Ever Need Attention All I Have to Do Is Die (7:01 mins)
11. Play Crack the Sky (5:28 mins)

I don't have words to tell you how brilliantly beautiful this album is, I love every single song, I enjoy it with all my soul, it'll be one of my favorites forever, Brand new just know what music is all about, making you feel something, and they definitely make me feel all the feels, and I really appreciate them for doing such incredible music. The fact that this album was released in 2003 is quite shocking, because it doesn't feel that long, is like it could be brand new.

Kelly x

viernes, 6 de febrero de 2015

KM #107

Rimmel London* Kate Moss #107

Amo este labial demasiado, tanto que estoy obsesionada. Amo su tonalidad, su consistencia, su durabilidad, su olor, su empaque, TODO! Es perfecto. Es matte pero no reseca los labios, su color es un vino como borgoña y puede durar bastante en los labios, debo decir que Rimmel London* es de mis marcas favoritas, pues los productos que uso de esta, nunca me han decepcionado, amo sus correctores, sus esmaltes para uñas, su base de maquillaje , sus sombras, etc, es y sera una de mis marcas favoritas y no se diga de este labial que es mi favorito absoluto(hasta que encuentre algo que pueda superarlo, que no creo) si este color no es su favorito, hay 5 tonalidades en total y son increíbles. Mas informacion click aqui!
El precio va a variar dependiendo en donde estés y lo compres, a mi me costo $97 pesos mexicanos, lo compre en Wal-mart, pues ahí fue en el único lugar donde encontré este tono, se me hace un buen precio, porque hay labiales mas caros y no son ni la mitad de buenos, pero en fin, este labial enserio es hermoso y espero que a ustedes les encante tanto como a mi.

Gracias por leer, con amor
Kelly xo

lunes, 2 de febrero de 2015

Music Monday #7

Hi there! This past two weeks I been quite romantic to be honest so this Music Monday is a little "cheesy" but just a little, I'm completely obsessed with these songs, I love them so much.

  • A Day To Remember - Another Song About The Weekend 

  • The Front Bottoms - Peach

  • Carousel Kings - Baby

  • Herb Alpert & The Tijuana Brass - This guy's in love with you

  • Panama - Always

Kelly x

jueves, 29 de enero de 2015

Tips to be more healthy | Consejos para ser mas saludable | Kellyrainyscat

(photo from Pinterest)

Hi there! January is pretty much over, and the goal to stay more fit is about to fail, so as the title say I'm going to tell you what I do to be more healthy, and a little disclaimer, this is something that works for me and makes me feel (and look) better, so I'm not telling you to do it, I'm just sharing with you these things, because I'm not a professional or a Doctor, so don't take it the wrong way, also I thought on writing this post in english and spanish, enjoy! Being healthy is a lifestyle, you have to really want it and love it, and you will commit to it.

  • Hydrated. drink a lot of water at all times, I sometimes don't drink as much as I would like, but I'm working on that, because is seriously the best for you!
  • Eat good food. things with protein in it, fruits, vegetables, meats(if you dont eat meat, then no meat) nuts and cereals. Be aware of what you're putting in your body, I know that sometimes is hard to eat clean-healthy food, I don't do it myself every single day, but avoiding junk food and fast food as much as you can, is good.
  • Never go 3 days without exercising. go to the gym, exercise at home, whatever works for you, but try to do it as often as you can. I personally love doing yoga and go on walks.
  • Don't consume what you can't burn. this tip is pretty self-explanatory, if you don't exercise, I recommend not to eat it, unless you have an awesome metabolism, but still.
  • Don't skip meals. eat at your hours, make yourself an awesome breakfast, eat your lunch, eat your snacks and Don't go to bed with an empty stomach, this is very important.
  • Slow progress is better than no progress. try your best, keep moving and take care of yourself.

Kelly xo


Hola! Enero esta a punto de terminarse y la meta de "ser mas saludable" esta por fallar, asi como dice en el titulo les voy a decir lo que yo hago para ser mas saludable, esto es algo que funciona para mi y me hace sentir(y verme) mejor, no les estoy diciendo que lo hagan, solo les estoy compartiendo esto, porque no soy una nutriologa o una profesional para decirles que les funcione mejor, asi que no lo tomen de otra manera. Ser saludable es un estilo de vida, tienes que realmente quererlo y tiene que gustarte, y asi comprometerte a serlo. Pensé en escribir este post en ingles y español.

  • Hidratate. bebe mucha agua en todo momento, aveces yo no tomo tanta como me gustaría pero, estoy trabajando en eso, beber agua es lo mejor!
  • Come comida sana. cosas con proteína, frutas, verduras, carnes (si no comes carne, entonces carne no) frutos secos y cereales. Se consciente de lo que estás poniendo en tu cuerpo, Sé que a veces es difícil comer comida saludable, yo no lo hago todos los días, pero evitando la comida chatarra y comida rápida tanto como puedas, es bueno.
  • No pases mas de 3 dias sin hacer ejercicio. ve al gimnasio, has ejercicio en casa, lo que funcione para ti, pero trata de hacerlo tan a menudo como puedas. Personalmente me encanta hacer yoga y caminar.
  • No consumas lo que no puedes quemar. este consejo se explica por sí solo, si no haces ejercicio, no recomiendo que lo comas, a menos que tengas un metabolismo increíble, pero aun asi.
  • No te saltes comidas. come a tus horas, prepárate un increíble desayuno, come tu almuerzo, come tus colaciones y no vayas a la cama con el estómago vacío, esto es muy importante.
  • Lento pero seguro. hazlo posible, no dejes de moverte y cuídate.

Gracias por leer, con amor
Kelly xo

lunes, 26 de enero de 2015

The Front Bottoms

(photos from Pinterest)

I first listened The Front Bottoms around last year, and I got hooked by just one song, when I enjoy with all my soul every single song is when I know that is a favorite, and I wish and hope to see them live soon. they know what they're doing, because their music is just brilliant, it makes me very happy and want to dance and cry and Idk is amazing, I love them. The genre of the music is probably pop punk but with a folk vibe, I don't know, you can always google it. They have a few albums and EPs(all incredible) but my favorite has to be their most recent one, "Talon of the Hawk" is just too goood, if you have never heard of them, they are a pretty cool band, and I needed to write about them, this is not a review, is just what I think, because I love them.

where to find them:

Kelly x