lunes, 23 de junio de 2014

Life must be fun!

You might or might not notice that I change the title or name (idk what is call) of my blog and that's because sometimes I talk about life and I try to give you a little advice or so, and I felt the need to take away "beauty and art" part even tho I post about art and beauty I love to make this type of posts, I hope you like them as well. Now the actual post start...

(photo from tumblr)

Every time we don't have fun in life is a waste, simple as that, if you want to be happy you must have fun all the time, I've learn that life is all about having fun, if you don't have fun you're probably worry and sad and just not enjoying all the great and amazing things in life, I have problems, I don't have the life I ever dreamed of, I should be worry about my future, but I decided not to care, cause eventually things will take place the way they have to be, I'll do my best and just have fun and enjoy everything, life is full of surprises some of those surprises are sh*t and that make us lose sight of what's important and what matters the most, what I'm trying to say is when life gives you lemons make the most delicious lemonade, cause you might never see a lemon ever again. I know that some times we have "one of those days" when we don't see the point of anything, but trying to have fun will make those things change, maybe it's not as easy as I'm saying it, but laugh more, be positive and I assure you life will get easy, maybe not tomorrow, but eventually.

Enjoy life no matter what, make the most of every situation, and make life more fun cause life must be fun.

"And what might seem to be a series of unfortunate events may, in fact, be the first steps of a journey." - Lemony Snicket

"Accept and Forgive, two key words for a better life."

"Life is better when you're laughing."

Thanks for reading

Kelly =^.^=

Walking On Sunshine - Katrina & The Waves

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