sábado, 26 de abril de 2014

I was gone, Hi?

Hi, so you might or might not notice that I was gone (3 months to be exact) I don't even know what to say or how to say it, a lot of things happen in this period of time, I was very busy and I was just not in my "best" to even write whatever the *%#& I could, so anyway I'm 20 years old and you start to realize some things like life and obligations and responsibilities and all of those things, so I kinda got sad and mad, but now I'm fine and I will continue to blog again cause I think the only way to be happy is doing things that make you happy and bloging is something that I just LOVE :)

So if anyone is reading Hiiii!!! and thank you so much for reading what I write.
I don't have a day to upload a post but the days I think I'll be posting is on Sundays and Wednesday around 8 or 9 pm (CST)

“I felt a tremendous distance between me and everything real.” -Hunter S. Thompson

“If people sat outside and looked at the stars each night, I bet they’d live a lot differently. When you look into infinity, you realize there are more important things than what people do all day.” -Calvin and Hobbes

Kelly =^.^=

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