domingo, 19 de enero de 2014

How to be happy!

(photo from tumblr)

Happiness is a choice, sometimes we feel down but that doesn't mean we're not happy, happiness is like a state of mind, when you know everything is alright and nothing can't and won't hurt you, when you have the power of control of what disturbs you, you are untouchable, and greatness is all over you, love is what rules you, and the peace that is in you is bigger than anything.

  • do more of what you love, if its writing or painting or a sport do it more often. What we are passionate about is what will get us through anything and there's nothing bigger than love.
  •  no lies - no excuses, when you are real with yourself you start to feel more free and freedom is happiness
  • be kind, even if they dont, you will feel better cause you are a better person and being nice and polite, will make you happy.
  • a smile changes everything, when you smile more, life smile more to you
  • positivity and good vibes may sound unreal for some people and that's why they're not happy, be positive means that you want a change and a good change will happen; and good vibes is like a gift for the heart and feeds the soul.
  • see the goodness and the beauty, if something is going to makes us really happy is that, seen the good and the beauty that something or someone have and is.

Probably happiness sounds like something that is really hard to achieve or something that is ephemeral, but I truly believe that happiness is not something that you achieve or something that you have, is something that we start building up little by little and get to understand beyond of what we see or feel or do, is "that" unexplicable thing that we are.

a few of my favorite quotes...

"Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful." -Albert Schweitzer

"The first step to happiness is eliminating sadness." -Connor Franta

"You become happy when you decide you want to be happy." -Kelly L. Keynes

“This is the day the LORD has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24
Faith consists in believing when it is beyond the power of reason to believe.
"I find happiness in the simplest of things."

"Happiness is real only when shared." -Into the wild

"The less you respond to negative people, the more peaceful your life will become."

"Mosaics are made from broken pieces but they’re still works of art and so are you."

The times I feel most alive are when I’m caught up in something that makes me forget myself. Art. Work. Other people. Nature. God.”  -Donald Miller

Thanks for reading

Kelly =^.^=

1 comentario:

  1. Gracias que bonito articulo escribiste tengo q mantener mi felicidad!!!y nadie me la podra arrebatar!!
