miércoles, 15 de enero de 2014

5 ways to be more organized

(photo from tumblr)

To keep things organized you must commit to it, there's no other way to have things organized, a good example is our rooms, if we keep having clothes in the floor and not puting in the closet or the place that your clothes supposed to be, we will keep having the mess. There are so many stuff to organize our things today that make everything more simple.
We all sometimes don't feel our 100% and find really hard to put ourselves together and that's ok because sometimes we don't need to be all put together but we must look like it.

I going to tell you 5 ways to be more organized with your things.

  1. MAKE YOUR BED, first of them all! because when we have our beds made, there's nothing can stop us now, literally, because seeing your bed made is half-way there to have an organized room.
  2. Make lists, about every single thing, what you have to do during the day, the things you need to buy or do or get done.
  3. Have an agenda, that way you won't forget something like a birthday or a date or just something important.
  4. Clean yourself, take a shower, it really can make a difference, not only you're cleaning your body it will make you feel amazing and think more clear.
  5. Good music! always and no doubt, music can help even to this, your favorite music will help you to do and keep things more organized.
extra tip: put things in categories, the things that make the most trouble in your room or office or wherever, put them in categories and then put ich category together, example: pens with pencils. jackets with sweatshirts or sweaters. books with magazines.

I know it's a really simple post but I'm sure a lot of you sometimes find hard to be more organized so I hope this post help you.

Thanks for reading

Kelly =^.^=

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