sábado, 7 de diciembre de 2013

10 books you should read!

Hi lovely readers, lately I been reading a lot of really cool books, so I'm going to share a few that I really loved, and a few others that I want to read.
All the books I'm talking about I'm linking them with one of my favorite sites to read :)

This 5 ones are the ones I already read and loved

  1. Emma by Jane Austen

Is such a lovely book, you just can't go wrong with Jane Austen, it might have some similarities with the other books, because of the plot, but I don't mind, I adore Pride and Prejudice. Anyway I hope you like this book as well.

    2.The Fault in Our Stars by John Green


Probably you already read this one if not probably hear a lot of it, but God is a good story, is a really nice book and even tho I'm 20 I think when is a really good book you can enjoy it no matter how old are you. It might or might not make me cry, but I love every single minut of it.

    3. Safe Harbour by Danielle Steel


I remember when I read a Danielle Steel book when I was like 16 years old and I fall inlove completely with her books, and this one just melts my heart, it's a really beautiful story and I really recomend it.

    4. Masterclass by Morris West



This book was a gift from my granpa and I don't know it surprise me, he's a big reader and I guess he knew what kind of books I will like, (no my favorites because those are romantic comedies) but I really enjoyed this one, is just what I want to read every now and then.

     5. Under the Dome by Stephen King


I hear about the serie and I started watching it and Oh my, I loved it and I knew I had to read the book so I did and I can't... I mean is Stephen King I really admire his work but like I said I'm a romantic kind of person, so I really didn't though of reading something of him, but this book it's really incredible.

This 5 ones are the ones I'm really desperate to get my hands on.

  1.  Actors Anonymous by James Franco

I really want to read this one for soo many reasons, and if you haven't hear of it, you should read it too.

    2. Me Before You by Jojo Moyes


When I saw this one as a recommendation I really like what it was about, so I'm going to read it.

    3. Art and Fear: Observations on the Perils (and Rewards) of Artmaking by David Bayles, Ted Orland


This book, I just need this book!

     4. Here I Go Again by Jen Lancaster


I think it's the kind of book you will really enjoy, I know I will.

    5.The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho


This book a lot of people have recommended and I saw it the other day and I wasn't sure to buy it  but now I'm going back to get it!

I think we all have like our gender, mine it's romantic comedy but what can I say, I love Love, so probably this books aren't for you if you don't like this gender, but they are really nice books so if you don't know what to read and you're looking for something light, these are the books :) So I hope you enjoy this post.

Thanks for reading

Kelly =^.^=

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