lunes, 23 de diciembre de 2013

Music beyond Art

When you listen your favorite song and transform your day or when you don't know how to say something and a song discribes it perfectly, I don't know a lot of music but whatever music I'm listening to can literally brightens up my day. Music is something you can't explain, is something you feel and experience it in a whole new level, is like the food for the soul and warms up your heart. and don't make me start about playing an instrument 'cause well I just..., no matter what instrument if it's the guitar or the tambourine or the maracas, no matter which one, literally music can change everything.

when you're having a bad day, music can make it better, music always help.
when your day couldn't go more amazing, sing and dance your favorites songs.
Music is the key of something that goes beyond of what you think.
discovering new music is discovering a whole new world and will make you so happy that you will appreciate more than just the little things.

I could share a few of my favorite songs but there are so many that this post will get crazy, I really enjoy music from the 70's 80's 90's and in the gender of alternative like hardcore and poppunk, I think that will help instead of posting a lot of youtube videos.

So that's the post I just felt like I need to share a piece of what I think about music 'cause it's just something beyond art or human knowledge, and don't forget music is your friend and will be with you anytime.

Thanks for reading

Kelly =^.^=

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