viernes, 10 de mayo de 2013

Great traveling tips part 2

If you been reading my blog you know I post a first part of this post a couple of weeks ago, this part is about having a great flight, with this been say, enjoy...

  • airplane essentials: if it's a long flight you need to be comfy so a little pillow will make a difference, also something to entertain yourself like your cellphone or Ipod or whatever and last but not least something to make you smell good like mints and a body lotion, and like a little spa treatment during the flying like a  face mask.

  • pack with the bed made: you will thank me for this, pack with all your things in just one place, so you don't forget anything.

  • make your flight more pleasant: wear your must comfy clothes and shoes, you don't need to be the best dressed you need to feel comfy.

  • be prepared: recheck your flight and your hotel and all that jazz cause unexpected things can happen.

  • be observer: concentrate on your flight, where you put your luggage, where you leave your things, everything.

  • stay relax and happy is first: the whole point of being on vacation is to enjoy ourselves more and when we're mad that kinda ruin everything, so stay chill that everything is going to be alright.

Also, you must check Sonia's youtube channel, she is the BEST giving traveling tips :) Check her youtube channel here!

Thanks for reading, have a safe flight

Kelly =^.^=

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