martes, 31 de diciembre de 2013

New Year, New Start!

Sometimes I think time is going so fast that I'm afraid of losing something really important but then I take a really deep breath and look around and see everything with a timeless feeling and knowing that it will be alright and if not, I'm hoping for it.

2013 was a diferent year, it was a year with really incredible days but in general I just didn't loved it, so many things change and other things stay the same, I don't want to say much but I know 2014 it's going to be a better year, I'm praying for that.

I wish you the best my lovely readers, make the 2014 an amazing year, the only way to make things happen is to commit to them, there's not such thing as "wasting" time, but spend it right! 
If you have goals try to achieve them this year, if you have New Year’s Resolutions make them happen, obviously day by day little by little we don't need to rush things but we need to do them.

A really cool post I read on tumblr about new year's resolutions, if you don't have any these ones might help!

1. Be a better person, be more thankful and more nice to people
2. Learn new things, join a book club or a class you never thought of joining
3. Stop worrying, if's something you can do about it do it if don't just wait or let it be
4. Be healthier, try to eat more vegetables and take the stairs
5. Smile, laugh and love more, things that makes us happy are the only things that really matter.

Set your mind and accomplish it!

Thanks for reading,
have a wonderful & happy New Year!

with all my Love
Kelly =^.^=

1 comentario:

  1. Para empezar todo esto q dices es muy heemoso gracias xlos buenos deseos los consejos y sigue asi con esos bonitos deseos Bendiciones para todos los que te rodean y para ti sigue brillando namazte!!
