miércoles, 27 de noviembre de 2013

happiness is out there...

It already sound cheesy and almost like a cliche; I used to be really shy and not an outgoing kind of person, I have anxiety and panic attacks, I always try to avoid any kind of human contact, I never enjoyed my teen years like other teens, I don't know but what I do know now is that I (will) regret a lot of things that I wish I did but, what can I do? CHANGE!
So anyway, what I'm telling you is to follow what your heart desires, do not get in trouble tho, but do the things that aren't what you will usually do, say yes to things that will get you out of your comfort zone, sometimes you don't need to think, you just need to do it, and see what's next and be imprest or maybe see that it wasn't a really good idea or I don't know but seriously person that is reading if you are always saying no to things that you don't like you are missing something (like life) and you will never know what that "something" was all about, obviously don't do things that people are forcing you to do, that's not what I meant but a good example could be if you don't like roller coasters maybe could be nice to try get on one, I personally don't like them but I assure you this, it makes you feel like the most extraordinary freedom that is in there or can be possible for one to experience it.

Just say yes. One of the people that I watch on youtube her name is Zoella, she kinda inspire me to think this way, also my twin sister she convince me to do this blog and I'm so glad she told me to just do it.

Life is great even tho sometimes doesn't seems like it, it is great and don't miss it out.

Never forget to smile even when hard times are.

Thanks for reading

Kelly =^.^=

fantasy park - College

This song makes me soooo happy and believe that everything its possible or just I can do everything without thinking it to much :3

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