miércoles, 10 de abril de 2013

Great traveling tips

Like the title say, I'm gonna give you some advice to have a great trip, starting with a good way to pack your bags, cause sometimes it gets really hard and annoying to start packing our luggage because sometimes we pack so many stuff that we end up using nothing at all, also doesn't matter if the trip is short or long, it will be the same process...

  • Packing our bag(s)
Clothes: they depends of how many days your trip will last, and also where are you going like the beach or somewhere with cold weather.
  1. If your trip is short like a weekend 2 changes will be fine
  2. If it's long, a change per day, so you'll kinda have extra clothes but you will use them all
  3. you will know "the right clothes" to pack knowing the location
  4. never forget your pajamas 
  5. ~optional~ extra hoodies or excercise clothing

            Shoes:  one or three pairs, it really depends on how long the trip will be.
            1. If your trip is short just the ones you will be wearing or one extra pair
            2. If you're going to the beach maybe 2 pairs and your flipflops
            3. If it's to somewhere cold, two pairs of boots or your most warm tennis shoes

                  Underwear: each per day but you might also want to pack extra underwear cause well we don't know but is just better.

                    quick tip. pack a plastic bag for your dirty undies, so your clean undies don't mix with the already used ones.

                    • The beauty products bag
                    daily onesthe reality is we bring everything and we end up using any.
                    1. body: moisturizing cream ~sunscreen ~shower gel or a soap whatever you use ~deodorant ~perfume
                    2. hair: shampoo ~conditioner~whatever treatment you're using ~hair brush
                    3. face: moisturizing cream day/night ~cleanser ~make up remover ~whatever you use to fresh up your face
                    4. toothbrush ~dental floss ~whatever you use to clean your mouth
                    5. ~optional~ your electronic tools for styling your hair

                    • Make up bag
                    1. fundation or BB cream
                    2. concealer
                    3. powder
                    4. mascara
                    5. lip products
                    6. blush
                    7. eye shadows
                    8. ~optional~ if you're really going to use it and depends on the person: brunzer ~eyeliner ~nail polish(remover)
                    9. tools: daily basis brushes ~eyelash curler

                    • Hand luggage
                    1. your plane ticket ~passport ~visa
                    2. laptop(and it charger)
                    3. cellphone~headphones
                    4. wallet
                    5. all your gadgets and their chargers(like camara, ipod, etc)
                    6. little traveling bag with the essentials: mints ~gum ~hand sanitizer ~and whatever else take with you in your traveling bag.

                    So those are my essentials, of course I travel with way more stuff than that, but my packing will not be complete with those things. Everybody is diferent and we have diferent ways to pack our bags but we must agree with some of those things, right?! ...
                    I hope you enjoy this post, I'll be posting the second part soon I promise :) 

                    Thanks for reading


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