viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2013

25 random facts about Kellyrainy'scat

(photo from tumblr)

Hi there so as the title say I'm going to talk about me again, a few facts that I don't know I just feel like sharing :)

1. I love my cat

2. I always wear something black

3. I enjoy more watching movies by my own

4. sunrise is my favorite part of the day

5. breakfast is really important for me

6. I have a compulsive obsession of having my closet organized

7. simplicity and love are the most important things in my life

8. Happiness is the main goal

9. I am a tea person

10. I'm obsessed with Disney

11. I collect pens, pencils and key chains

12. my favorite sports are skateboarding, snowboarding and surf

13. Winter and Autumn are my favorite seasons

14. I love my bangs and I had them since I can remember

15. I'm not good at some subjects I really like, like maths and biology

16. Batman is my favorite superhero

17. I love road trips with my family

18. Christmas is my favorite "everything"

19. sometimes when I don't understand something like love or why the universe is so F* gigantic I sit on my bed and look at my window and... pizza.

20. I hate shaving my legs but I do it anyway, cause life right?

21. I have a dark side that we don't need to talk about. (I have anxiety and panic attacks)

22. I'm constantly changing so a few of this facts might change in like a year or something or even I'm changing now and this fact won't be a fact, who knows.

23. I need to have my hands clean or I won't feel comfortable, I love washing my hands

24. I sleep with a light on, I'm not a fan of the dark

25. I love doing Yoga

Bonus: 26. I'm lactose intolerant.

I hope this was "funny" or "entertaining" to read, now you know a little more about me xD

Thanks for reading

Kelly =^.^=

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